Overview: Team & Culture
The non-profit I work for is run by a small but mighty team. I work with six Thai teammates - all of whom are women! I'm very inspired by their dedication, and grateful for how welcoming they have been. While they all speak English fluently, they normally speak Thai at work. In meetings that I attend, my teammates switch to English, which I'm very appreciative of. I've started taking Thai lessons to improve my communication capability.
The organization's culture is similar to that of a startup. There is a flat structure - it feels like everyone at the organization does everything. There's a strong feedback culture, and team members are given room to "fail fast." The team is collaborative and supportive. We go out to lunch every day that we work in person, and we take turns leading team-bonding exercises and bringing fun snacks.
It's been refreshing working at a non-profit, where decisions are made not to maximize revenue, but to maximize social impact. It's also been eye-opening to experience and see how stretched thin non-profit employees can be. Work-life balance is something my teammates strive for, but it can be difficult, especially when they are all so committed to the organization's mission and work.